Creative Collective

We are excited to introduce BC Brain Wellness Program’s new initiative, The Creative Collective, which aims to spotlight art created by members of the BC BWP community.  

Starting in February 2023, the project will showcase one artist each month, both in our newsletter and on our Instagram account. The artwork will also be showcased on a Creative Collective page on the BC Brain Wellness Program website!  

Art can be anything from pottery, paintings, photographs, poetry, recipes, gardening arrangements and so much more… we would love to see it all!

Art expression can offer a support system that honours feelings and emotions while letting us use our brains in new ways. This project highlights the importance of art in brain wellness and hopes to encourage more people to use art as a form of healthy expression, relaxation, coping and growth.  

For your art to be considered for the Creative Collective project, fill out this Google Form and we will get in contact with you.  

We hope you are as excited about this new project  as we are! 

 If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email with the subject line “Creative Collective”. 


Overcoming Self-Stigma and Mental Health 


End of Year Newsletter from Matt Sacheli, Manager, BC Brain Wellness Program