New Years, New Goals - Keeping Your New Year's Resolutions

by Nazanin Sadoughian

As the calendar turns the page to a new year, people around the world engage in a time-honoured tradition: making New Year's resolutions. Whether it's losing weight, quitting smoking, saving money, or learning a new skill, resolutions are a way for us to envision a better version of ourselves and our lives. However, statistics show that the majority of these well-intentioned resolutions fall by the wayside as the year progresses. So, what can we do to ensure we keep our New Year's resolutions and turn our aspirations into achievements?

Set Realistic and Specific Goals:

  • One common mistake people make with their New Year's resolutions is setting vague or overly ambitious goals. Instead of saying, "I want to get in shape," try setting a specific goal like, "I will exercise for 30 minutes three times a week." Realistic and well-defined objectives make it easier to track progress and stay motivated.

Break It Down into Smaller Steps:

  • Big goals can be overwhelming. Breaking them down into smaller, more manageable steps can make the journey feel less daunting. For example, if your resolution is to read 24 books in a year, you can reword your goal to read two books each month. Smaller milestones make it easier to stay on track and celebrate your progress along the way.

Create a Plan:

  • A resolution without a plan is just a wish. Develop a clear and actionable plan to achieve your goals. If your resolution is to save money, create a budget, and identify areas where you can cut expenses. If it's to learn a new skill, outline a study schedule or enrol in a course. Having a plan in place increases your chances of success.

Find Accountability:

  • Share your resolutions with friends or family who can provide support and hold you accountable. Consider joining a group or finding a friend with similar goals. Having someone to share your progress with can make the journey more enjoyable and help you stay committed.

Track Your Progress:

  • Document your progress regularly. Whether it's keeping a journal, using a mobile app, or creating a vision board, tracking your achievements and setbacks can provide valuable insights and motivation. It allows you to see how far you've come and where adjustments may be needed.

Stay Flexible:

  • Life is unpredictable, and unexpected challenges may arise. It's essential to be flexible and adapt your plan when necessary. If you miss a workout or veer off your diet, don't get discouraged. Accept setbacks as part of the process and refocus on your resolution.

Reward Yourself:

  • Celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem. Positive reinforcement can boost your motivation and make the journey more enjoyable. Treat yourself to something special when you reach a significant milestone… it will help reinforce your commitment to your resolution.

Seek Professional Help:

  • If your resolution involves significant lifestyle changes or overcoming challenging habits, don't hesitate to seek professional help. Whether it's consulting a therapist, nutritionist, personal trainer, or financial advisor, professionals can provide guidance and support tailored to your specific goals.

Stay Persistent:

  • The road to achieving your New Year's resolutions may not always be smooth. There will be times when you feel like giving up or doubt your ability to succeed. In such moments, remember your initial motivation and the reasons behind your resolution. Stay persistent and keep pushing forward.

Embrace Failures as a Learning Opportunity:

  • It's essential to recognize that setbacks are part of any meaningful journey. Instead of viewing them as defeats, see them as opportunities to learn and grow. Analyze what went wrong, adjust your approach, and continue working towards your goals with newfound wisdom. Missing one day of your workout or having a cheat day does not mean you failed!

New Year's resolutions are a powerful tool for personal growth and self-improvement, and as such they require commitment, dedication, and a strategic approach to succeed. By setting realistic goals, creating a plan, seeking accountability, and staying persistent, you can turn your New Year's aspirations into tangible achievements. Remember that the journey is as valuable as the destination, and each step you take brings you closer to becoming the best version of yourself.

If you would like to do some more reading on the topic:

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear

Here is a fun podcast that celebrates the things that haven't gone right and how to learn from the experience:

How to fail with Elizabeth Day 



How Social Relationships Affect Your Brain and Improve Your Well-Being 


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