May Creator of the Month: Kate Wolfe

Kate was introduced to painting about 10 years ago through a friend who was taking a painting course at the Dunbar Community Center led by Georgia Youngs. While she didn’t think of herself as an artistic person at the time, she gave it a try and fell in love with it. 

The first few classes involved painting still fruit and learning about colour theory. After painting a portrait of her dog, Kate started to gravitate towards pet portraits. She often paints portraits for her friends, often when a pet passes away. Kate has painted dogs, cats, rabbits, and horses, and says “It gives me so much joy to do it and give it to people because I know how much they love their animals”. 

Kate says painting has positively impacted her wellbeing and continues to take lessons with Georgia Young once a week. Being immersed in the art of painting makes her feel relaxed. She also mentions that her illness has limited her mobility and painting is a great sedentary activity to work your mind and creativity. 

“Don’t be shy to try something you don’t think you’ll be good at”, Kate reminds everyone that anything is possible, you just have to try.

"It gives me so much joy to do it and give it to people because I know how much they love their animals"

 - Kate


June Creator Of The Month: Lise


April Creator of the Month: Doug Johnson