November Creator of the Month: Marjorie Young

Marjorie Young’s artistic journey began at a very young age when her kindergarten teacher introduced her to the Vancouver Art School. Enthralled by the world of creativity, she attended the children’s art program there every Saturday through elementary school. These early experiences laid the foundation for her artistic endeavours as she learned the basics of drawing and tried out various painting mediums.  

As Marjorie further explored her artistic interest later on in life, she developed a deep affinity for watercolours, which became her primary form of artistic expression. Through this medium, she has been able to capture memories and moments of happiness; watercolour cementing these memories and moments.  

In recent years, Marjorie has expanded her creative horizons, delving into various art forms beyond watercolour. These various expressions of art include crafting hand-made art cards with origami and engaging pop-up elements. A real reflection of her commitment to pushing her creativity. When asked about her passion for watercolour, Marjorie emphasizes the freedom and spontaneity it offers. She enjoys creating loose backgrounds and allowing colours to flow naturally. Art has been a constant source of relaxation and escape from life's stresses for Marjorie. 

Art, for Marjorie, is more than a passion; having woven itself into her professional life, she has applied her artistic skills in her former role as a speech language pathologist. In this role, she used to work with people with autism and who acquired brain injuries. During her clinical practice, she utilized a lot of art and music as forms of communication with those who are non-verbal or pre-literate. She drew her own visual materials for clients to convey information.  

Despite her extensive experience in the arts, Marjorie sees it as a life-long learning process where she keeps trying new things, from new techniques to different media. Her advice to those who are hoping to take part in a creative activity is to join an art group, like the Richmond Art Gallery. They offer exhibitions and activities where inspiration can be sparked. It is also a great place to meet people with similar interests and exchange ideas and learn from and with each other. It is an affordable way to learn art. 


“My favourite quote from Goethe has inspired me, ‘whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it’. I hope it will inspire others.”  

— Marjorie   


December Creator of the Month: Victoria Marie


October Creator of the Month: Vivian Fitzgerald